Thursday, 28 February 2008

Flickin one off #1

I'm kicking off a new regular feature on Ded Dog Blog, where i'm going to flag up a few snappers from Flickr i think are worthy of a mention.

Flickr is such a great place to find really great work by people who love what they are doing ... theres plenty of rubbish too, though. But that's where i come in.. sit back, relax and let the ded dog sniff out the curly ones, so you dont have to take evasive action around those stinkers.

First up

I've been watching the progress of this set over the last year or so and Alexandre Duret-Lutz aka 'gadl' has become ever more inventive with his brilliant Wee Planets series. Shot on an expensive stereographic projetion camera that i'll admit i don't really understand. Go there and take a peep, peeps, its quality stuff with minimal computor tom-foolery too....

Dizzy stuff

While i'm on the subject of stereographic projetion, have a look at this 360 deg shot of Rio De Janiro here. I hope you don't get vertigo though..... you can scroll 360 around the veiw and up into the sky as well. Its an incredible site from Mr Hans Nyberg, who has collated hundreds of stunning 360 panoramas from different photographers around the world. I'd take a whizz round The Great wall of China, The Banyan Tree and Petra in Jordan as well. (you need quicktime for these by the way).


It just goes to show, that creative arts can be combined with modern technology and still be a success.


see you in the next life

01/03/08 I need to hold my hands up and admit imade mistake here folks... its not a strereo projection camera. Its actually some very, very clever maths , very clever software and about 50 to 60 standard photos per peice.

Mr T's moral of todays story?

look before you leap ..... FOOL!


lil said...

amazing mind expanding images...
Bleecher; I'm really impressed with your powers of sniffing this stuff out...
It's an education!

bleecher said...

Ta lil ... nothing like a good rumage.....